Monday, November 16, 2009

Professional Development Plan / Short-Term Goal #2

The second short-term goal that I established for myself was to learn how to communicate and become involved in online communities.

I started to research learning communities that specifically focused on teaching English/Language Arts in the classroom. One that I was especially interested in joining was the National Council of Teaching English (NCTE). Click here to visit their website. It is an organization that joins teachers together to help them improve their teaching strategies in English studies, literacy, and Language Arts. I chose not to join the NCTE at this time because they charge a fee for membership. But, I will definitely join in the future.

After researching a couple other communities online, I chose to become a member of the National Writing Project. (NWP) If you would like to visit this website, click here. Unlike the NCTE, the NWP has free membership and only takes a minute to join! I liked this learning community because its members work together with the goal of improving writing and learning in the nation's schools. I feel like many students struggle with their writing, so through my participation in the NWP, I hope to improve my teaching skills so I can be the most prepared towards helping students of all different writing skill levels. Also, it has a RSS feed that I could subscribe to, which would send me constant updates from the website. Proof of my membership is evident in the picture below (see my name?)

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