Monday, November 16, 2009

Professional Development Plan / Long-Term Goals #1 and #2

In addition to my short-term goals, I established two long-term goals for me to hopefully reach by the end of my education here at Indiana University. Here are my two long-term goals:
  • Be able to design technology-based learning activities
  • Be able to take existing lesson plans and adapt them by incorporating technology tools
For my first goal, just by being a student in our W200: Using Computers in Education class really has opened up my eyes to the infinite amount of possibilities the Internet provides for teachers. I have already determined that I will either create my own website and/or blog to keep both my students and their parents constantly up to date on what is going on in the classroom and what is expected of each student. I will either use Google to create my own website or Blogger to make my own blog. These online tools will help me stay in constant contact with my class, as well as upload potential class assignments, quizzes/tests, reminders for upcoming events, etc. They will also provide additional ways for my students and/or their parents to get in touch with me instead of just via email.

Another online tool that I learned about was Delicious. It is a tool I will also utilize in my future teaching. Delicious allows for me to bookmark any website (whether it be a learning tool for my students or an example lesson plan) to my account, where it will stay unless I delete it. Delicious also serves as a great learning tool for me as teacher to stay updated on the newest and best online tools by allowing me to access any other Delicious users' account. By visiting other accounts, I can pick and choose other bookmarks that I find relevant to my subject area.

I have not yet decided what specific online tools I will use for teaching the specific aspects of my subject area, such as writing, reading, etc., but I will continue to research these areas as the year progresses and bookmark them to my Delicious account. As I continue on my research, I will eventually be able to incorporate the online tools I find into creating multiple technology-based English activities for my future students.

In accomplishing my other long-term goal, I have began to search online for lesson plans that other teachers have posted. It is so interesting to me how much is available to me online! I have found an abundance of lesson plans, although I will note that I am not interested in using a lot of them. I will provide either screen shots or links to lesson plans that I found were interesting and would be useful in my future teaching below.

This screen shot is a picture of an example lesson plan that Google apps provided. A major reason why I chose it as one of my favorite lesson plans is because it already incorporates technology into it (in my long-term goal, I wanted to find lesson plans and incorporate technology into them to make them just as successful). This lesson plan on Greek mythology has students research 12 different Greek Gods and Goddesses and requires them to use Google Docs to create a presentation of their research. Seriously, what does Google not offer?! I never knew how developed of a network Google was until recently, and it blows my mind that Google offers so many different tools for anyone to access.

Another lesson plan that I found was through the Curriki site, which you can visit by clicking here. This teacher offers numerous ways to evaluate English students, grades 6-8, on their grammar skills. He posted multiple games, projects, quizzes/tests, and other grammar activities. I like how he shows different options on how to evaluate students on their grammar skills. After looking at a few of the examples, I was definitely able to see where I could incorporate technology into the activities. For instance, I could have my students use either Google Docs or Microsoft PowerPoint to create their grammar presentations.

The last website that I found lesson plans that I would be interested in potentially using in my classroom is called ReadWriteThink. It is affiliated with the National Council of Teaching English (NCTE), and the website provides dozens and dozens and dozens of lesson plans, concerning every element of English that one could possibly imagine. Here is an exhaustive list (and it still does not cover all of the topics offered) of some of the topics:
  • Fluency
  • Process Writing
  • Comprehension
  • Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, and Vocabulary
  • Collaborative Writing
  • Research
  • Technical Writing
  • Drama
  • Critiquing Texts
In other words, I will definitely be using this website in the future to help inspire me while creating my own lesson plans. If you are interested in viewing this website, click here. Now, due to the enormous volume of the lesson plans offered via this NCTE website, I have not yet chosen which ones fascinate me the most. Therefore, I have also not decided what technological tools would be the most useful to incorporate into these lesson plans. But, I will keep on looking at this website, as well as others, to find more lesson plans and decide how I can reshape them to include technology as I continue in my education.

Lastly, because I am really fond of these lesson plan websites, I added them to my Delicious account. If you would like to access the websites through my account instead, click here.

Professional Development Plan / Short-Term Goal #3

The third and final short-term goal that I made for myself was to learn the copyright laws as they apply to teachers.

I used the Google search engine to look up information regarding copyright laws for teachers. I stumbled upon an extremely useful website. It is called the "Educational CyberPlayground." I chose this website over other ones that even looked more professional because after reading through it, I felt like I gained a much better perspective of the copyright laws for teachers than after reading others. Instead of using professional language, it just told me exactly what I will or will not be able to use as a part of my future teaching instruction. This website offers copyright laws regarding multiple medias, such as:

  • Audio/Music
  • Lyrics
  • Text (from books, workbooks, etc.)
  • Motion Picture
  • Illustrations/Photographs
  • Numerical Data Sets
  • Mulitmedia Projects

I also added the link to the Educational CyberPlayground website to my Delicious account so that I will always have easy access to it in the future. Therefore, if I ever have any copyright questions, I can easily refer to it via my Delicious account. You may view my account here.

Below is a picture of what the website looks like. Click here to visit the actual site.

One other thing I noticed by researching the copyright laws for teachers is that there are many administrators and/or teachers who are coming together with hopes of revising some of the present copyright laws for teachers. Their reasoning is that due to the recent developments and improvements of technology over the last decade, these laws should be revised in order to benefically adapt to the present teaching environment. As of right now, though, no real significant changes have occurred yet.

Professional Development Plan / Short-Term Goal #2

The second short-term goal that I established for myself was to learn how to communicate and become involved in online communities.

I started to research learning communities that specifically focused on teaching English/Language Arts in the classroom. One that I was especially interested in joining was the National Council of Teaching English (NCTE). Click here to visit their website. It is an organization that joins teachers together to help them improve their teaching strategies in English studies, literacy, and Language Arts. I chose not to join the NCTE at this time because they charge a fee for membership. But, I will definitely join in the future.

After researching a couple other communities online, I chose to become a member of the National Writing Project. (NWP) If you would like to visit this website, click here. Unlike the NCTE, the NWP has free membership and only takes a minute to join! I liked this learning community because its members work together with the goal of improving writing and learning in the nation's schools. I feel like many students struggle with their writing, so through my participation in the NWP, I hope to improve my teaching skills so I can be the most prepared towards helping students of all different writing skill levels. Also, it has a RSS feed that I could subscribe to, which would send me constant updates from the website. Proof of my membership is evident in the picture below (see my name?)

Professional Development Plan / Short-Term Goal #1

I created three short-term goals in my Professional Development Plan for me to complete with hopes of improving my overall knowledge of technology and my ability to use it proficiently.

My first short-term goal was learning how to use a digital colloborative tool. Over the semester, I decided to familiarize myself and use Google Docs for projects, in-class assignments, and connecting with other classmates. Here is a picture of a presentation that three other group members and I solely used Google Docs to create:

This presentation is about the online tool called Moodle. I helped design the layout of each page and the information presented on the slides. I learned that using Google Docs is a tool that helps make learning more efficient. My group members and I did not even have to meet together because Google Docs allows for any person of your choosing to be able to both edit and view any document you want from any computer. If you would like to view this presentation, click here.

Another document I created with a group using Google Docs was an example Artifact Proposal. Click here if you would like to view it. The three of us were each on different computers, but as we collaborated together, we would each write and update the document on our own time. Google Docs is especially helpful because it does allow for multiple people to edit a document at once, rather than having one person do all of the work. Below is a picture of this document.

By using Google Docs, I learned to create, save, and share a document. After entering one's Gmail username and password, at the top of the webpage, click on "Documents." If I wanted to create a new document, towards the upper left-hand corner, there is a button that says "create." By clicking on this, I can create a new document, presentation, spreadsheet, form, or folder. After clicking on one of these options, a new window will pop up. Then, towards the upper right-hand side of the document, there is a tab that says "save." That is how one can save a document, presentation, etc. Finally, if one would like to share their creation with another person, right next to the "save" tab is the "share" tab. By clicking on "share," one can invite others to view the document.

I will definitely use Google Docs as a future teaching tool. Instead of requiring students to meet outside of class for projects, I could have them use Google Docs to create their presentations. This will relieve some of the stress students feel about meeting up with other students. This would be especially helpful if the group members had conflicting schedules because it then would allow students to work on the project when it is most convenient to them. I also could use Google Docs to create any type of lesson plan (using documents), class lecture (using presentations), survey of how I'm doing as a teacher (using form), etc.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Classroom Communication

I am hoping to be a 7th-grade English teacher in the near future. Therefore, it will be my responsibility to utilize some technological tool to stay in touch with my students and their parents. I will either create a classroom website or blog that will keep students and parents updated with the class material and what is expected of each student in order to be successful in my class. For example, I will include weekly recaps of what went on in the classroom so parents are more aware of what their child is learning. I will also upload homework assignments, quizzes/tests, and any other upcoming events onto a calendar so students always know what is expected of them. By doing this, my students will not be able to complain if they forgot to write down a due date in class because it will always be available to them online. I want to include a gradebook in relation to each student so students and parents can keep up on how the student is doing in my class. Also, since some students are unreliable in passing on information to their parents, having a website or blog allows parents to always feel involved and informed. In order to help my professional development, I will display various ways that one can communicate with me, such as by providing my e-mail address and/or telephone number. That way both students and parents can provide me with feedback with how they think the class is going and what I am doing well and what I need to improve on in my teaching.